Let Them Eat Cake

morning thoughts
Morning thoughts from Pastor Tim
Good Morning!
This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2
I am determined to study God’s word more so that I may know more that I may share more with others, including you.
I have come to believe that sharing God’s word is like giving everyone a piece of chocolate cake.
There are some that don’t like cake and therefore will not eat any.
Others will eat the cake, almost scarffing it down and quickly moving on without saying much of anything.
Still there is someone that will talk about how delicious the cake is and will savor every bite.
Finally there are a few that will take one bite and want the recipe.
I am determined that when it comes to God’s word I will make it delicious and will always have the recipe.
For me this means praying, studying, learning, reading, and meditating more than I do.
Each Christian should live for God with excellence.
The only way to do that is to live for it, eat it, breathe it, and sleep with it under your pillow.
It’s simply not enough to live for Jesus on a Sunday morning, quickly tossing open the Bible to catch up on the days Sunday school lesson.
To live for Christ is to imitate Him in all that you do.

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